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Thank you for playing our game. If you are interested in learning more about how you can get involved with protecting our youth, you can explore these references:
<li> Learn more about the <a href="">All Eyes on Us project.</a> </li>
<li> Read the research and findings of the <a href="">All Eyes on Us report.</a> </li>
For more information on the topics discussed in this gameplay, refer to these related links regarding the choices and consequences you made:Race: @@<<= $user.race>>@@
Housing: @@<<= $user.housing>>@@
Neighborhood: @@<<= $user.neighborhood>>@@
School: @@<<= $>>@@
Points: @@$user.points@@
<<include UserWarning "div">><<if $user.status is not ''>>Warning: <</if>>@@<<= $user.status>>@@Your identity: @@<<= $user.identity>>@@
Your points: @@$user.points@@<<if def $user>><<include UserIdentity "div">><</if>><<include Prologue>><<include IdentityCard>><<include Directions>><<include Scenario1>><<include Choices-S1>><<include Scene1-Short-A>><<include Scene1-Long-A>><<include Scene1-Short-B>><<include Scene1-Long-B>><<include Scene1-Short-C>><<include Scenario2>><<include Choices-S2>><<include Scene2-Short-A>><<include Scene2-Long-A>><<include Scene2-Short-B>><<include Scene2-Long-B>><<include Scene2-Short-C>><<include Scenario3>><<include Choices-S3>><<include Scene3-Short-A>><<include Scene3-Long-A>><<include Scene3-Short-B>><<include Scene3-Long-B>><<include Scene3-Short-C>>Each scenario presents a situation, commonly faced by youth, that involves social media, surveillance, and related policies.
Use your points to buy a response to the scenario. Your options might be limited by how many points you have.
[[Begin scenario 1.|scene-1-scenario]]Shelter
NYCHA Housing
Private Rental
Owned HomesYou are a Black teenager attending your zoned school. You live in a shelter in Brownsville.
You are a Brown teenager attending your zoned school. You live in NYCHA housing in Brownsville.
You are a Black teenager attending a specialized high school. You live in a private rental in Hunts Point.
You are a Brown teenager attending your zoned school. You live in an owned home in Brownsville.
You are a White teenager attending a specialized high school. You live in an owned home in Park Slope.
You are a White teenager attending a private school. You live in a private rental in the Upper West Side.Brownsville
Hunts Point
Park Slope
Upper West SideBlack
1<<if $user.inGangDb is true && $user.suspended && $user.surveillance>><<set $status to 'You are in the NYPD Gang Database. You have been suspended. You are under surveillance by the NYPD.'>>
<<elseif $user.suspended is true && $user.surveillance>><<set $status to 'You have been suspended. You are under surveillance by the NYPD.'>>
<<elseif $user.inGangDb is true && $user.surveillance>><<set $status to 'You are in the NYPD Gang Database. You are under surveillance by the NYPD.'>>
<<elseif $user.inGangDb is true && $user.suspended>><<set $status to 'You are in the NYPD Gang Database. You have been suspended.'>>
<<elseif $user.surveillance is true>><<set $status to 'You are under surveillance by the NYPD.'>>
<<elseif $user.suspended is true>><<set $status to 'You have been suspended.'>>
<<elseif $user.inGangDb is true>> <<set $status to 'You are in the NYPD Gang Database.'>><</if>><<silently>>
// Randomly draws an Identity
<<set $identityPassage to Story.get("Identity")>>
<<set $identityText to $identityPassage.text>>
<<set $identityArray to $identityText.split("\n")>>
<<set $randomNum to random(1, $identityArray.length-1)>>
<<set $identity to $identityArray[$randomNum]>>
// Assigns Identity Value
<<set $identityValuePassage to Story.get("Identity-Value")>>
<<set $identityValueText to $identityValuePassage.text>>
<<set $identityValueArray to $identityValueText.split("\n")>>
<<set $identityValue to parseInt($identityValueArray[$randomNum], 10)>>
// Assigns race for sidebar
<<if $identity.includes("Black")>>
<<set $raceIdentity to "Black">>
<<if $identity.includes("Brown")>>
<<set $raceIdentity to "Brown">>
<<if $identity.includes("White")>>
<<set $raceIdentity to "White">>
// Assigns school for sidebar
<<if $identity.includes("zoned school")>>
<<set $schoolIdentity to "Zoned">>
<<if $identity.includes("specialized high school")>>
<<set $schoolIdentity to "Specialized">>
<<if $identity.includes("private school")>>
<<set $schoolIdentity to "Private">>
// Assigns housing for sidebar
<<if $identity.includes("shelter")>>
<<set $housingIdentity to "Shelter">>
<<if $identity.includes("NYCHA")>>
<<set $housingIdentity to "NYCHA Housing">>
<<if $identity.includes("private rental")>>
<<set $housingIdentity to "Private Rental">>
<<if $identity.includes("owned home")>>
<<set $housingIdentity to "Owned Home">>
// Assigns neighborhood for sidebar
<<if $identity.includes("Brownsville")>>
<<set $neighborhoodIdentity to "Brownsville">>
<<if $identity.includes("Hunts Point")>>
<<set $neighborhoodIdentity to "Hunts Point">>
<<if $identity.includes("Park Slope")>>
<<set $neighborhoodIdentity to "Park Slope">>
<<if $identity.includes("Upper West Side")>>
<<set $neighborhoodIdentity to "Upper West Side">>
<<include Set-Identity>>
<<set $user = {
identity: $identity,
points: $identityValue,
race: $raceIdentity,
housing: $housingIdentity,
neighborhood: $neighborhoodIdentity,
school: $schoolIdentity,
inGangDb: false,
suspended: false,
surveillance: false,
status: ''
<</silently>>Your Identity Card is your character for the game, and gives you four pieces of key demographic information. Together, these four components determine the number of points that you start with.
<<include Set-User>>
<<include UserStats "div">>
[[Read over the instructions|Instructions]] or [[Begin scenario 1.|scene-1-scenario]]Over the past few years, digital surveillance and the fight for privacy have become a fixture in the news.
The problem is far worse, and way closer to home, than the news lets on.
The stories presented here will help you understand what's at risk.
To continue [[Draw an Identity Card.|Identity-Card]]You choose to grieve by joining the discussions online.
You decide to [[post a picture|scene-1-short-a]] you took of your friend and write a message in memory of Anthony punctuated with #E4A. Or maybe you should remove the picture and [[only post the message?|scene-1-short-b]] You aren't sure what's too extra to post, since [[you don't use social media often.|scene-1-short-c]]Because you had a picture of Anthony attached to your post, the police have flagged you as a likely conspirator of his. You are entered into the NYPD Gang Database as a precaution.
This means that if you get involved with the NYPD again, you will receive added charges in court because you are in the database.
<<set $user.inGangDb to true>>
<<include Set-Status>>
<<set $user.status to $status>>
[[Continue|scene-2-scenario]]The NYPD has flagged you as at-risk of being gang affiliated. They're watching all of your social media activities closely now.
<<set $user.surveillance to true>>
<<include Set-Status>>
<<set $user.status to $status>>
[[Continue|scene-2-scenario]]Anthony, a family friend, has died. He was affiliated with a gang. People in your community are mourning Anthony's death by posting photos of him online with the tag #E4A ("Everything for Anthony").
In the days after his death, your feed is dotted with #E4A posts from your family, friends, and neighbors. Do you join them?
[[Yes|scene-1-choices]] | [[No|Scene1-Short-C]]Your picture gets some attention from your followers online. They mourn with you, and you feel a little better for it.
It also gets the attention of the police, who are monitoring the #E4A hashtag as it trends online. [[They're following your social media activities now.|scene-1-long-a]]Your picture gets some attention from your followers online. They mourn with you, and you feel a little better for it.
A few months later, it catches the attention of the police. [[They're following your social media activities now.|scene-1-long-b]]You decide not to post your thoughts online. What happened to Anthony still hurts, but you try to compartmentalize it.
[[Continue|scene-2-scenario]]The drama is juicy and the fight is wild - loads of people have crowded in behind you just to get a look.
"A video of [[this would get tons of attention online.|scene-2-short-a]]" you think to yourself as you reach for your phone. You look around the crowd for your friends, but you can't find them.
"[[I'll just catch a video for my friends|scene-2-short-b]]; they'd love to have this view."
On second thought, you consider backing out of the crowd and finding your friends instead.
Everyone has their phones out anyways, [[what good will one more video do?|scene-2-short-c]]You get suspended from school for recording the fight. Posting the video online only made things worse for you, as it gave them evidence to get the NYPD resource officers involved. They open a case on you.
<<if $user.inGangDb is true>>
During your suspension, you are sent to court and receive added charges because your profile was found in the NYPD's gang database.
<<set $user.suspended to true>>
<<include Set-Status>>
<<set $user.status to $status>>
[[Continue|scene-3-scenario]]You get suspended from school for recording the fight. If things escalate any further between you and the school's dean, law enforcement will become involved.
<<set $user.suspended to true>>
<<include Set-Status>>
<<set $user.status to $status>>
[[Continue|scene-3-scenario]]You are in school and hear there will be a fight on campus after school.
After your last class, you head outside and see a group of people gathering.
You're early enough to get an unobstructed view of the fight. [[Now what?|scene-2-choices]]Your video blows up! You aren't sure if you caught the best angle of the action or if you were just lucky enough to be the first post people found online, but your video has thousands of views by dinner.
Some of those views came from your school administrators, who are now convinced that [[you were involved in the fight breaking out.|scene-2-long-a]]You manage to catch a good angle of the action for your friends. They're all hyped to see what went down.
After going your separate ways that evening, you start getting requests to see the video from other kids at school. Word of your fight footage travels all the way to the school's administrators in no time.
You get called in and your [[phone gets confiscated.|scene-2-long-b]] They're looking for the video you recorded, but who knows what else they'll find?The fight happens, and multiple people record it. Several people in your grade face severe consequences from school administration for being in the fight. You get off easy with detention though - your face was identified in one of the videos.
[[Continue|scene-3-scenario]]With each passing day, the rumors about your sister spread further.
You know the names of the people flaming your sister now; you could probably shut them up if you [[bring some friends to help.|scene-3-short-a]]
That's a lot of effort though. You could probably [[solve the problem online|scene-3-short-b]] by digging up some dirt on the trolls and posting that.
Or maybe you don't even need to do that. You could [[try reporting them for harrasment.|scene-3-short-c]]You and your friends are apprehended by the NYPD. Out the back window of the squad car, you catch a glimpse of the jerks you were fighting. They are all lined up with smirks on their faces, waiting their turn to talk with the officer collecting statements.
They get out of this consequence-free.
<<if $user.inGangDb is true>>
Meanwhile, at the precinct you find that your charges have been raised because your profile was found in the NYPD's gang database.
The harrasment your sister was facing online only gets worse.
[[Finale|finale]]You enter your email and password but you can't log in. You try changing your password. In your inbox you look for the password reset message and find a message from the site admins; your account has been banned because you were anonymously accused of cyber bullying.
The next day in school, you get called into the office during class. You're told that you are receiving a suspension because your behavior online went against the school's honor code.
<<if $user.inGangDb is false>>
In addition, you were placed in the NYPD Gang Database.
The harrasment your sister was facing online only gets worse.
<<if $user.suspended is false>>
<<set $user.suspended to true>>
<<include Set-Status>>
<<set $user.status to $status>>
[[Finale|finale]]You find out that a group of people are telling lies about your sister online in an attempt to slut-shame her. You post a comment to defend her. The conflict heats up quickly; soon everyone is posting insults and disrespectful comments.
You need to carefully choose a response to [[keep things from escalating further.|scene-3-choices]]With a few texts, your friends agree to back you up. After school gets out, you and your friends approach the troublemakers. You grab one of them and get in their face - the kid looks scared as fuck; they probably didn't expect this when they started shit talking your sister. You wind up to punch this twerp out when you hear shouting and heavy footsteps coming your way. The next thing you know, you're shoved to the ground with your face on the pavement.
[[Somebody called the police.|scene-3-long-a]]You ask around and discover embarrassing gossip about the trolls. The posts you make are juicy enough to get some traffic online. It feels like you managed to take the target off of your sister's back.
When you open the app the next day, it loads the login page.
[[Weird|scene-3-long-b]].The NYPD have a cyberbullying hotline. You submit an anonymous report implicating the twerps that were harassing your sister.
But nothing happens. The NYPD doesn't do anything because a physical altercation has not occurred.